DOWNLOADABLE COLORING SHEETS These downloadable resources were pulled from our archives, just for you!
Through the years, we've created many different handouts and coloring sheets that were used to keep the children busy
as we prepared for Sunday School class or morning service. They are a quick and easy way to give the children something
constructive to do while it also reminds them of the weekly lessons.
Here are some of the 'golden oldies' from way back in our archives. Simply click the link to download these PDF files
to your computer, then save and print them as needed.
adam-sin.pdf –
Shows Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden.
appearance.pdf –
God looks at the heart, man looks outside.
worship.pdf –
Hezekiah worships before the temple.
A TERRIFIC TIP Do you ever have service times when younger children remain in the adult service?
If you want to keep them quiet and occupied, you can create personal coloring 'laptops' for each child to take
to their seat.
All you need are some pizza boxes from a local pizza restaurant—we called and they were happy to
donate them to us—some coloring sheets and puzzles, a few blank sheets of paper. Place all of these inside
the boxes along with a snack-sized resealable bag of crayons and a pencil or two and you are ready to go.
Have these ready before the service begins and pass them out to the children as they come in. The children can open
the box quietly and use it on their laps to color, draw and work quietly. This gives them something to focus on so
that their parents can spend more time focusing on the message. Collect the boxes at the end of the service, refill them,
then stack 'em up and put 'em back in storage until you need them again.